The Fiver Survivor

Is It Possible To Make Three Healthy Meals Per Day For Just £5? Could You Be A Fiver Survivor?

The Greenaway Foundation Fiver Survivor

In 2021 it is estimated that a single person living in the UK spends between £70-£80 per week on food and non-alcoholic drinks.  Due to the cost of living crisis and rising inflation many families are struggling to pay their bills and put food on the table.  So is it possible to have three healthy meals per day for only £5 per person?  Could you be a Fiver Survivor?

The rules are simple, £5 per day, per person for food, for a month.  The challenge does not include household bills, fuel, clothing etc. but there must be three square meals a day.

During the month of April 2024, two trustees from The Greenaway Foundation will endeavour to spend less than £5 per day.

Of course we picked the two trustees with the most awkward dietary requirements, Darren Greenaway who has been a lactose vegetarian for nearly forty years and is now lactose intolerant (so a vegan that eats eggs, goats and sheep’s cheese).  The other is Emma Coleman, who likes to eat organic food (we are guessing that is possibly out the window in April).

Follow how they get on through out the month.  If you have and any recipe’s you think they would like to try please email

Week One Of The Fiver Survivor

Monday 1st

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – mushroom, spinach & leek pie, mash potato and gravy £1.21 (pie was made for £5.44 and creates six servings)
Dinner – jacket potato & beans £0.70
Total £2.21 per trustee

Tuesday 2nd

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – left over mushroom, spinach & leek pie, mash potato £1.21, banana and apple £0.40
Dinner – vegetable gumbo with boiled rice £0.68 (gumbo was made for £4.61 and creates twelve servings)
Throughout the day 4 cups of tea/coffee £0.40 
Total £2.99 per trustee

Wednesday 3rd

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – left over vegetable gumbo and rice £0.68, small bag of crisps £0.25 tangerine £0.15
Dinner – stuffed cabbage leaves in a tomato sauce £1.11
Throughout the day 4 cups of tea/coffee £0.40 
Total £3.41 per trustee

Thursday 4th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – left over stuffed cabbage leaves £1.11, small bag of crisps £0.25 tangerine £0.15
Dinner – jacket potato, quorn pepper steak and baked beans £2.17
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £4.80 per trustee

Friday 5th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – vegetable gumbo £0.58, small bag of crisps £0.25 tangerine £0.10
Dinner – spaghetti with tomato sauce £1.21
Throughout the day 2 cups of tea/coffee £0.20
Total £2.64 per trustee

Saturday 6th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – homemade minestrone soup (using up all the vegetables from the fridge).  Six portions made £0.42 per serving. 
Dinner – roasted aubergine and tomato curry with rice £1.46
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £2.48 per trustee

Sunday 7th

Breakfast – two slices of toast with scrambled eggs mug of tea £1.10
Lunch – homemade minestrone soup with bread £0.62
Dinner – vegetable cottage pie £1.04
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.06 per trustee

Review Of First Week #fiversurviver

🎉 Week One Wrap-Up: The Fiver Survivor Chronicles! 🥦🍞

Hey, foodie friends! It’s been a whopping first week of our wallet-friendly kitchen revamp, and oh boy, do I have tales to tell. I’ve officially swapped my usual grocery glitz for the supermarket’s humble own brands – talk about a royal switch-up in the pantry kingdom!

Now, you might think cutting onions in half would lead to less crying, but let me tell you, the tears are real when you see how much surplus there is for tomorrow’s lunch. 😂 And peppers? They’re practically multiplying like bunnies – half today, half tomorrow!

But wait! There’s more bean action here than a western flick, plus carbs have marched in like they’re ready to conquer hunger once and for all. Bread? Check. Rice? Loaded. Spaghetti and potatoes? A carb-tastic yes!

Snack time has left the chat because ‘elevensies’ is so last week. And guess what else is new? Hitting the hay earlier than chickens on a farm and waking up fresher than morning dew.

The grand finale: Darren’s down 5lbs already! That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for #FiverSurvivor kind. Onward we march into week two—stay tuned for more belly laughs and budget bites! 🏋️‍♂️📉 #FirstWeekSuccess #

Week Two Of The Fiver Survivor

Monday 8th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – farmhouse pie £1.04, bag of crisps £0.20, banana £0.21, tangerine £0.10
Dinner- stir fried vegetables with egg fried rice £1.52
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £4.19 per trustee

Tuesday 9th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – farmhouse pie £1.04, bag of crisps £0.20, banana £0.21, tangerine £0.10
Dinner- noodles with fresh vegetables £1.10
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.77 per trustee

Wednesday 10th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – quorn ham sandwiches with cucumber & tomato £1.65, crisps £0.20, tangerine £0.10
Dinner- vegan macaroni cheese £1.15
Throughout the day 2 cups of tea/coffee £0.20
Total £4.12 per trustee

Thursday 11th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – vegan cauliflower cheese 1.34, bag of crisps £0.20, tangerine £0.10
Dinner- vegan chili con carne with rice £1.35
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.59 per trustee

Friday 12th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – vegan chili con carne with rice £1.35, bag of crisps £0.20, tangerine £0.10
Dinner – noodles in a miso broth and vegetables £1.20
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.45 per trustee

Saturday 13th

Breakfast – two scrambled eggs  on toast and a mug of tea £1.00
Lunch – vegetarian burritos £1.40
Dinner – jacket potato with goats cheese and baked beans £1.95
Throughout the day 4 cups of tea/coffee £0.40
Total £4.75 per trustee

Sunday 14th

Breakfast – two slices of toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – wild garlic pesto with penne pasta £1.90
Dinner- roasted butternut squash and goats cheese tart with wild garlic drizzle £1.29
Throughout the day 4 cups of tea/coffee £0.40
Total £3.89 per trustee

Review Of Second Week #fiversurvivor

Hey, foodie friends! We’ve wrapped up week two in our thrifty culinary adventure, and let’s just say our taste buds have been on a bit of a…loop-de-loop. 🔄 Same meals on repeat? Check! But we’re spicing things up – literally! 🌿 We struck gold with a wild garlic bonanza and went to town making everything from zesty oil to scrumptious pesto. Our salads? They’ve never been so sassy!

But hey, not every experiment can be Michelin-starred, right? Our cauliflower cheese saga was more ‘crumble’ than ‘melt in your mouth’. Vegan cheese, why you gotta do us dirty like that? 😅 Still, it’s all about the journey (and the hilarious kitchen fails).

We’re marching into week three with our spatulas raised high – ready to balance the old with the zest of new recipes! Who’s with us for another round of deliciously budget-friendly shenanigans? Let’s get cookin’ and keep those leftovers exciting! #FiverSurvivor #WeekTwo #KitchenChronicles 🍽️✨

Week Three Of The Fiver Survivor

Monday 15th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – butternut squash soup with 2 slices of bread £0.79, small packet of crisps £0.20, tangerine £0.10
Dinner – vegan chili con carne with rice £1.35
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.56 per trustee

Tuesday 16th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – quorn ham sandwiches £1.05, banana £0.30, tangerine £0.10
Dinner – vegan spaghetti bolognaise £1.30
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.87 per trustee

Wednesday 17th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – vegetable and bean gumbo £0.58, small bag of crisps £0.25 tangerine £0.10
Dinner – jacket potato with vegan butter and vegan cheddar £0.95
Throughout the day 4 cups of tea/coffee £0.40
Total £2.58 per trustee

Thursday 18th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – homemade minestrone soup with two slices of brown bread £0.62, small packet of crisps £0.25, tangerine £0.10
Dinner – homemade gnocchi in a tomato sauce £1.65
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.74 per trustee

Friday 19th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch –tahini Green Lentil & Cherry Tomato Salad £2.10, small packet of crisps £0.25, tangerine £0.10
Dinner – mushroom And Goats Cheese Tagliatelle £1.26
Throughout the day 2 cups of tea/coffee £0.20
Total £4.21 per trustee

Saturday 20th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – spring green fried egg and rice £1.08
Dinner – stuffed pepper with savoury rice and potato wedges £1.85
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.53 per trustee 

Sunday 21st

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit) £0.82
Lunch – homemade minestrone soup with two slices of brown bread £0.62
Dinner – vegetable fajitas with homemade guacamole  £2.05
Throughout the day 2 cups of tea/coffee £0.20
Total £3.36 per trustee

Review Of Third Week #fiversurvivor

Week Three: The Rhythmic Gastronomic Odyssey! 🥁

Hey, Fiver Survivors! We’re grooving into the 
weekend like a well-oiled meal-planning machine. 💃 Our kitchen symphony has been so on point that we’ve only spent £24.85 this week! Who knew counting pennies could be as thrilling as finding a forgotten fiver in your pocket?

We’ve sliced, diced, and spiced our way under 
budget by a whopping £10.15 – that’s practically two extra “fivers” to survive on (or splurge on glitter for our victory dance)! 🎉 But let’s have a toast to our real MVP – food talk. It’s officially taken over more of our conversations than any reality TV drama ever could. “Did you see that carrot’s performance Oscar-worthy!” 🥕

As we cha-cha towards the final week, visions of 
going out for dinner are dancing in our heads. Hold onto your forks, folks – it’s going to be an epic culinary finale! 🍴💫

#FiverSurvivor #BudgetBosses #MealPlanningMaestros 
#FoodieChatterboxes #DinnerDateDreaming

Monday 22nd

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – quorn ham sandwiches with cucumber & tomato £1.65, crisps £0.20, tangerine £0.10
Dinner – jacket potato, quorn pepper steak and baked beans £2.17
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £4.72 per trustee 

Tuesday 23rd

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – quorn ham sandwiches with cucumber & tomato £1.65, crisps £0.20, tangerine £0.10
Dinner – spaghetti and vodka pasta sauce, with roasted peppers and orange salad £1.50
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £4.05 per trustee

Wednesday 24th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit £0.82
Lunch –  quorn ham sandwiches with cucumber & lettuce £1.60, tangerine £0.15
Dinner – goats cheese and baby tomatoes cannelloni, with tomato sauce £1.70
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £4.57 per trustee

Thursday 25th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30

Lunch – homemade minestrone soup with bread £0.62, tangerine £0.15, small bag of crisps £0.20, 
Dinner – aubergine curry with rice £1.46
Throughout the day 4 cups of tea/coffee £0.40
Total £2.98 per trustee

Friday 26th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – tahini Green Lentil & Cherry Tomato Salad £2.10, small bag of crisps £0.25 tangerine £0.10
Dinner – spaghetti with tomato sauce £1.21
Throughout the day 4 cups of tea/coffee £0.40
Total £4.36 per trustee

Saturday 27th

Breakfast – homemade hashbrowns with two poached eggs and a mug of tea £1.50

Lunch – vegetable cottage pie £1.04 
Dinner – fennel risotto £2.10
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £4.94 per trustee

Sunday 28th

Breakfast – homemade hashbrowns with two poached eggs and a mug of tea £1.50

Lunch – baked beans on toast £0.60
Dinner – vegetable fajitas homemade guacamole 2.06
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £4.46 per trustee

Review Of Fourth Week #fiversurvivor

Hey Thrifty Foodies!

We’ve officially hit the home stretch of the #FiverSurvivor saga! Our fearless trustees have been culinary ninjas, slicing through the fourth week with only £5 a day for chow. 🥗💰 Their mission? To whip up three square, health-packed meals and stay hydrated with non-boozy bevvies – all on a shoestring budget! 🍽️🚱

But let’s be real, folks – as they stand on the brink of Day 28, their taste buds are staging a protest. They’re dreaming of something spicy, something saucy… Yep, you guessed it – a takeaway curry! 🍛 Their mouths water at the mere thought of that rich, aromatic gravy and tender chunks of meat (or veggies!), but alas, the challenge must go on.

Just two more days until they can indulge in that coveted curry-coma. Will they cave to the craving or hold out like true £5 warriors? Stay tuned to find out if our heroes will triumph or if the tantalizing temptation of tikka masala will prove too much to resist!

#TakeawayCurry #TheFinalCountdown #HealthyOnABudget

Last Two Days Of The Fiver Survivor

Monday 29th

Breakfast – coconut water smoothie with banana, frozen spinach & tropical fruit £0.82
Lunch –  homemade minestrone soup with bread £0.62, apple £0.20
Dinner – goats cheese and baby tomatoes cannelloni, with tomato sauce £1.70
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.64 per trustee

Tuesday 30th

Breakfast – two slices of brown bread toast and a mug of tea £0.30
Lunch – quorn ham sandwiches with lettuce £1.30, small bag of crisps £0.25 tangerine £0.10
Dinner – vegetable curry with with plain rice £1.40
Throughout the day 3 cups of tea/coffee £0.30
Total £3.65 per trustee

Review Of The Month For The Fiver Survivor

In the spirit of determination and resourcefulness, we take a moment to spotlight our “Fiver Survivors” of April! Darren Greenaway & Emma Coleman embarked on a commendable journey, navigating through the month with a daily budget of just £5 for food and non-alcoholic drinks.

The challenge? To avoid snacks in between meals, no late-night munching – just pure discipline and meal planning prowess. The result? An impressive loss of 8lbs in body weight for Darren and better sleep quality. It’s amazing what mindful eating and fiscal discipline can do for your health! 

Meal prepping became their secret weapon, ensuring not only that they stuck to their limited budget but also that food waste was kept to an absolute minimum. Every meal was accounted for, every penny was thoughtfully spent. 

Our two dedicated trustees were allocated £150 for their monthly sustenance, tackling the #fiversurvivor challenge head-on. Through careful planning and mindful spending, they triumphantly finished £35.71 under budget – a testament to what can be achieved with tenacity, careful shopping and planning.

Let’s draw inspiration from their success as we consider our own spending habits on food and drinks. Remember, it’s not just about saving money; it’s about embracing a sustainable lifestyle that benefits both our health and the environment. 

As we applaud Darren & Emma, let’s ask ourselves how we could apply such discipline in our own lives. Could you be the next Fiver Survivor?

Now as we reflect on the past month and think about the ten of thousands of families around the UK who have to survive on less than £5 per day and how the cost of living crisis has continued to add to their suffering.

Iif you’re feeling inspired, why not take on the challenge this coming month? Let’s make every pound count!